Smugglers Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum + the Cult Of Tiki
Cast aside your cares + worries. Make yourself a Mai Tai, put your favorite exotica record on the hi-fi + prepare to lose yourself in the fantastical world of Tiki, one of the most alluring + often misunderstood movements in American cultural history. Martin + Rebecca Cate, founders + owners of Smuggler’s Cove (the most acclaimed tiki bar of the modern era) take you on a colorful journey into the lore + legend of Tiki: its birth as an escapist fantasy for Depression-era Americans; how exotic cocktails were invented, stolen + re-invented; Hollywood starlets + scandals; and tiki’s modern-day revival. Featuring more than 100 delicious recipes (original + historic), plus a groundbreaking new approach to understanding rum, Smuggler’s Cove is the magnum opus of the contemporary Tiki renaissance. Whether you’re looking for a new favorite cocktail, tips on how to trick out your home tiki grotto, help stocking your bar with great rums, or inspiration for your next tiki party, Smuggler’s Cove has everything you need to transform your world into a Polynesian Pop fantasia. Hardcover. 352 pages.
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